There are several reasons why you should use flexible packaging for gel products like product protection, consumer convenience, and design appeal – but which type of flexible packaging should you use? We recommend using sachets (aka packets) and pouches for gel-like products like lotions, shampoos, energy gels – basically anything that is viscous.
How flexible packaging works:
- Graphics and text are printed onto paper or film material that is specifically designed for flexible packaging.
- After we’ve printed your flexible packaging, we ship the printed material to you or your co-packer.
- The printed material goes through a form, fill, seal machine to package the products contents.
Paper works great with solids and powders and tends to be less expensive than film. Gels, however, should be packaged in film packets as it provides a better protective barrier and is more flexible against bending and twisting. Both paper and film materials create an airtight seal which not only protects the contents but also reduces spoiling or tampering. If your gel is a food product, please note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the labeling and packaging of processed and raw foods. Make sure to let us know that your flexible packaging will be used for gel food products so we can help you select a material that is safe for food contact from our FDA-approved list.